
I make dances that tap into the divine, mystical force that is femininity. This is my life’s work. 

Welcome to my ground zero.


Photo by Ell Emadian


Taylor Adams hails from the ever-twinkling valley of Las Vegas, NV. There, she began her choreographic journey at the Las Vegas Academy of Performing Arts under the guidance and direction of Jeneane Huggins. Since then, she has choreographed and presented work in numerous venues across the United States. She has worked with choreographers and dance artists such as Peter Chu, Lavinia Vago, and Omri Drumlevich. In 2019, Taylor spent six months training in Gaga and choreographic techniques at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. There, she performed works at the Suzanne Dellal Center in Tel Aviv by Ohad Naharin, Noa Zuk, and Roni Chadash. Taylor recently graduated with her BFA in dance from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and now resides in Brooklyn, NY.

photo by Elliot Emadian



Artist Statement

I remember the first time a stranger looked at me like they already owned me, like they deserved my flesh more than I did. My work allows me to take my power back, and I revel in that. Bodies move through time and space with an emphasis on their own power. They watch you watch them.

My dance taps into the divine, mystical force that is femininity. I delete the archaic ideals of benevolence and submission and rather honor my own sensuality. In doing this I can celebrate what it means to be femme. To be femme is to be feared in the world; presenting as a woman has cost twenty-six human beings in the U.S. their lives in 2018 alone. My dance is acutely aware of its radical nature. It is the archetypal image of women dancing naked in the woods, howling at the moon. I want more people to feel the fire that already exists in them and to use that innate, boundless energy to unapologetically move through the world.

I work with femme humans who yearn to express the fire inside of them. We work with our pelvis tethered to the Earth, we support each other in exposing our true selves to the world. We allow and honor our animal nature to crawl outside of our learned personas; the polite and small people who walk with their heads down. I create worlds on stage that house haunting images, ambient sounds, and slinky movement. The work is voyeuristic, inviting audience members to loom in on a prolific human experience. My dance is the very act of taking my power back, one that has been taken by strangers and I invite these strangers to sit back and watch me as I do so.


Black Lives Matter

Edit: I wrote this little blurb on my thesis, “Arcana Monologues” [view here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3ryzxna-74&t=2s ] and how my dance is currently interacting with the world it lives in now. Although my thesis was never fully realized due to Covid-19, it still lives on for me, perhaps in a multitude of non-physical planes. My thesis set …

News Section: Keeping Up

Taylor recently graduated with her BFA at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. She is hoping to relocate to New York City to begin her dance career. Until then, Taylor is teaching dance to children via Zoom and exploring new ways of artistic expression.